Your Vote is Needed! Help Lake Lincolndale Flourish

January 6, 2025

Lake Lincolndale has applied for a grant through Fordham’s EPA Flourish in Community Program. The lake is in need of an engineering assessment. This grant would help fund it.


WE NEED YOUR VOTES by January 10th. It is not a simple process but you can register and then vote for the proposal. Anyone in NY, NJ can vote - you do not have to be in Lake Lincolndale.  The grant ID is 695.  


Here are the steps.

1. Click on link to Flourish in Community or use QR code in pic.


2. Register to vote (you will have to enter your name, email, make a password, organization (put Lake Lincolndale), NY and your zip code.


3. Then voting page for “noncompetitive grants comes up.”


4. In search enter 695 (That is our ID for the proposal).  


5. Vote for us

You can read the proposal and learn about the state of the lake and the much needed engineering assessment that this grant would fund.


Thank you so much in advance. Every vote helps so please get your friends and family to do it too.


If you need/want help voting - go to the Lake Lincolndale clubhouse where members of the LLPOA will be available to help on Sunday 1/5 between 6-8pm or on Wednesday 1/8 from 7-8pm.


Voting is from 1/4-1/10 ONLY

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