I originally lived in Queens, married Donald Devey, our first house was in Oceanside, Long Island, next house was Metuchen, New Jersey, next was Itasca, Illinois. We moved to Katonah, New York in 1979 with our 7 children. In 2010 we moved to Heritage Hills in Somers.
Over the years we had been active in housing. In New Jersey and Illinois, we were pushing for Open Housing which meant that everyone would be able to buy/rent in our towns. This was an uphill battle back then.
In Katonah we were very involved in NEWCOE (Northeast Westchester Council on Equality) and tried to get Open Housing in Bedford and the Northeastern part of Westchester. At the point while I was secretary of the board of NEWCOE we tried to fund purchase of a property on which to build affordable housing. I was also Land Use Chairman of the Bedford-Lewisboro League of Women Voters Board.
My team and I of the LWV Land Use Committee were advocates for good land use principles and learned a lot about zoning, planning and issues of land use. My husband, Don, was chairman of Bedford’s Blue Mountain Housing, Bedford’s affordable housing arm. I was very involved in many of their projects, at least as a big advocate.
When we moved to Heritage Hills, we wrote a letter to the Supervisor showing our interest in affordable housing. Supervisor Morrissey invited me to be on the Somers Affordable Housing Board and I accepted gladly.